Key Stage 4 Results and Key Data

There have been some outstanding individual performances with 65% of students who accessed the mainstream curriculum achieving 9 - 4 grades in English and maths. 72% achieved 9 - 4 grades in English with 75% of students achieving 9 - 4 grades in maths. Obtaining good GCSE results is not easy and our students have worked extremely hard in the various subjects. 

Our initial Key Stage 4 results and key data for 2023 are as follows:

  Mainstream Students Whole School
(including Post 11 Autistic Centre)
Progress 8 Score -0.07 -0.20
Attainment 8 Score 46.31 44
Percentage of students with a standard pass in English and Maths 65 61
Percentage of students with a strong pass in English and Maths 31 29
Percentage of students entered for the English Baccalaureate 24 22.6
English Baccalaureate Average Points Score (APS) - this shows students’ point scores across all 5 areas 3.74 3.55
Percentage of students who continue into education/training or move on to employment Awaiting Confirmation


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Jarrow School
Field Terrace
Tyne & Wear
NE32 5PR

Tel: 0191 4283200
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